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How Chlorine and DBPs Destroy Your Health

How Chlorine and DBPs Destroy Your Health

How Chlorine and DBPs Destroy Your Health   Extracts from “Is Your Water Safe” by Dr. Mercola.   Unfortunately, in most cases science isn’t even close to understanding the potential short-term and long-term impact of these chlorine-based chemicals on your...
You May Be Exposed to More Chlorine and DBPs Than You Ever Imagined

You May Be Exposed to More Chlorine and DBPs Than You Ever Imagined

You May Be Exposed to More Chlorine and DBPs Than You Ever Imagined   Extracts from “Is Your Water Safe” by Dr. Mercola.   Please don’t assume that because the water in your home seems okay, it’s healthy. It’s impossible to determine the safety of your water...
The Little Known Dangers of Swimming Pools

The Little Known Dangers of Swimming Pools

The Little Known Dangers of Swimming Pools   Extracts from “Is Your Water Safe” by Dr. Mercola.   If you have a swimming pool and use chlorine as a sanitizer – or if you and your family swim in a chlorinated pool regularly — you’ll want to pay particular...